Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite...

I have been obsessed with worry since my family will be traveling to Florida this summer and are staying in a hotel.  I have not stayed in a hotel much since bed bugs have reared their ugly heads once again in the U.S.  So now, I am searching google, asking my friends and looking for the latest information on how to NOT bring the buggers home with us.

So I was pleasantly surprised today while listening to a news program about of all things, preventing bed bugs.  Basically, bed bugs are not like ants.  They don't walk into our houses on their own.  They pretty much have to be invited (like a vampire...!) and once inside make pests of themselves until you finally can't take it anymore and call pest control.  The easiest way for them to receive their invitation into you home is by you putting your luggage on any surface in the bedroom of a hotel room.

The experts on the show said to prevent this, you should keep your clothes and things inside your luggage and keep it in the bathroom instead of the bedroom (or carpeted areas).  I also heard from somewhere else that you should store all your clothes and items (even your luggage) in large plastic bags (think overgrown freezer bags) that I know you can get at Walmart for just this purpose.  

These are just a few hints but if you'd like more information visit Allgood Pest Solutions for their expert Advice.  I know I will be visiting this site before we go on our trip next month.

Kids Care in Forsyth

Children's Healthcare Forsyth will officially open on June 1 with their kick-off/open house on May 22.  The facility is located at 410 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 300.

The pediatric location will provide outpatient services, including immediate care, rehabilitation, sports medicine, orthotics and prosthetics, specialty physician care and X-ray and laboratory services, and more.

The clinic is expected to generate between 50 and 60 jobs, including nurses, radiology technicians, doctors and front desk employees.

For more information visit:  http://www.choa.org/About-Childrens/Locations-and-Directions/Forsyth